Tuesday, October 16, 2001

James Fallows, ancien rédac chef de US News&World Report, sur les bouleversements à venir du transport aérien nord-américain, particulièrement intéressant à la lumière du 11 septembre:http://www.theatlantic.com/issues/2001/06/fallows.htm
Freedom of the Skies

Everyone knows about the horrors of modern air travel. What almost no one knows is how inventors, entrepreneurs, and government visionaries have teamed up to create new kinds of small planes that can take off from and land almost anywhere. "Escape From Airline Hell" the scenario might be called, and it's coming soon to an airport near you.
Extrait: "For trips of 500 miles or less, which include the majority of air journeys, going by commercial airline is effectively no faster than traveling by car. "Think about it," the administrator of NASA, Daniel Goldin, said in a speech in 1998. "You are flying through the air at three hundred to five hundred miles per hour during the part of your trip that is in the commercial airplane. But your average speed from when you left your home to when you arrive at your destination is only fifty or sixty miles per hour."


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